понедељак, 11. новембар 2013.

Humans of New York!

When I finished taking their photo, they waved goodbye. 
At the exact same time.
nekom od prethodnih postova preporučila sam vam stranicu sreće i nadam se da vam se dopala. Još jedna Fejsbuk adresa koju posećujem svakodnevno je inspirisana Njujorčanima i približava nam otvoreni i pristupačni duh ljudi iz grada mojih snova."Humans of New York" je ideja fotografa Brandona Stantona koji je 2010. godine rešio da fotografiše 10.000 svojih sugrađana i te fotografije iskoristi za svoju knjigu. Fotografije upotpunjuje zanimljivim tekstovima, najčešće o životima osoba koje fotografiše. 
Da li pratite ovu stranicu?

Koja vam je fotografija omiljena?

Today in microfashion...
I was leaving a diner on the west side when I noticed this woman crouched alongside the cash register, clutching some sort of electronic reindeer toy.
"Why are you hiding?" I asked.
"I've been coming here for 27 years," she said. "The manager doesn't like my singing animals. So I like to haunt him!"
"Are you an artist?"
"Divorce lawyer."
Yoda has detected a disturbance in The Force.

"I'm looking for a little inspiration."
"What kind of inspiration?"
"I'm illustrating a book. The main character is a 'celebrated woman' in the town. And this
woman seemed to fit that description to me.

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